Born on November 24, 1968 in Viljandi
Raul Rajangu is the father of Estonian postmodern art. He is legendary, incisive, and has excellent timing. Rajangu is an artist who constantly stands on the boundary between two worlds, mediating between them. His works provide a meeting point for East and West, communism and total capitalism, public and personal, consciousness and non-consciousness, life and death. Rajangu`s works speak in a powerful and striking fashion.
The core of Rajangu`s artistic myth lies in his position in relation to the world of art: he is an autodidact and is not actively involved in artists` associations; he lives outside the closed circle and the world of artists. However, both the audience and the community of artists accepted Rajangu right from his first exhibition. As an artist, he doest not restrict himself to specific techniques, but bases the execution on the idea. Rajangu`s works acquire meaning over time, with the emergence of new facts, which provide new interpretations for his works. This situation of constant openness and redefinition of meaning is very characteristic of postmodern art in general. Rajangu started out with paintings in which he combined the three-dimensionality of assemblage with various two-dimensional cuts and painting. In recent years, perfect objectness has been replaced by ready-made publicity images, taken directly from the media. Rajangu lets the signs talk. In his works, we can encounter Coca-Cola, Gazprom, presidential receptions, Britney Spears, a male choir of the police, the eternal flame, etc. He does not interfere or process; he simply changes the context and sequence and creates new captions. He applies the same level of liberty to his own works. Having detected a moment when an integral text of a work has been condensed into a sign, he will saw the work into pieces, either conceptually or literally, and will use the pieces as symbols in a new context, in a new work. The details, familiar from his paintings, have found a place in a glass installation; the “House of Playboy” is part of the video “Memoirs of Cagliostro”, which in turn is part of “Sweet Little N.A.T.O.”. The eternal flame and a pentagon, the symbol of the graves of Soviet war heroes, recurs from work to work. (Anneli Porri).

- 2021 iCANT BREATHE. BREATHING OURSELVES TO DEATH. Despiration Show in 3 Mixes. Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2016 – 2017 SOVIET MIDNIGHT. RAUL RAJANGU, Art Museum of Estonia, KUMU, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2016 KILLER FUNERAL. FEAT. POLITBUREAU, Performance, Art Museum of Estonia, KUMU, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2016 RAUL RAJANGU´S ART FROM MART ERIK´S COLLECTION, The Kondas Center Of Naive Art, Viljandi, Estonia
- 2015 PNEUMATIC FLESH, Performance, VAAL Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2015 BEACH FUNERAL, Performance, Pärnu, Estonia
- 2015 NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
- 2012 SECRET REICH, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
- 2011 SUPERLUMINOUS DARKNESS, 3D movie, Directed by Kaur Kallas Cinemas “Ekraan”, Tartu and “Coca – Cola Plaza”, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2011 SOVIET MIDNIGHT II, Tartu Art Museum Exhibition Hall, Tartu, Estonia
- 2010 LUMINOSO FEAT. RUSSKIY RAZMER, Gallery “Hobusepea”, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2008 BUSHENWALD.COM, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2007 BEDROOMS´ SHOW, Gallery “Meno Parkas”, Kaunas, Lithuania
- 2007 GOLDEN HOME. EARTHY HOME, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2005 BEDROOMS´ SHOW, Tartu Art Museum, Tartu, Estonia
- 2005 SOVIET MIDNIGHT I, Draakon Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2003 SWEET LITTLE N.A.T.O., Art Hall Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2002 RAJANGU & TOLTS IN DECO, With Andres Tolts, Deco Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2002 MEMOIRS OF CAGLIOSTRO, City Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2001 SWEET LIFE, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2000 SWEET LITTLE SEVENTEEN, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 1996 HOUSE OF PLAYBOY, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
- 1989 SOLO, Taidemaalarit-galleria (Gallery of the Association of Finnish Painters), Helsinki, Finland
- 2021 XVIITH INTERNATIONAL VILNIUS PAINTING TRIENNIAL “(un)determined”, The Museum of Applied Arts and Design and cultural space “Smoke Factory”, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2020 ESTONIAN ARTISTS ASSOCIATION SPRING EXHIBITION 2020. Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2018 ARS´ FILM FESTIVAL AFF 2018, Films Created by Artists on a Big Screen, Project room of ARS, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2018 SILENT COLLECTIONS, Privately Owned Lithuanian and Estonian Art from the Second Half of the 20th Century, National Gallery Of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2017 ARTVILNIUS´17, 8th International Contemporary Art Fair, LITEXPO Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2016 THE ARTBOX.PROJECT Miami 1.0. Miami, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Miami, USA
- 2015 MASTER AND MARGARITE, Summer Art Festival, Pärnu House of Artist, City Gallery, Pärnu, Estonia
- 2015 TRIBUTE TO THE WOMAN, International Art Exhibition, Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, London, Great Britain
- 2014 BERLINER LISTE 2014, Fair For Contemporary Art, Ostbahnhof Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- 2013 DIMANCHE ROUGE FESTIVAL ESTONIA – FINLAND – FRANCE, International Festival Of Performance Art, Augusta Gallery, Helsinki, Finland; Polymer Art Factory, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2013 BERLINER LISTE 2013, Fair For Contemporary Art, Kraftwerk Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- 2011 IT WAS GOOD WHILE IT LASTED, Dance Performance, Millimeter Performance Group Feat. Luminoso, City room, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2009 ELEPHANT BULLET, International Video Art Project, KUMU Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2009 LIFE 69, Exhibition of Erotic Art, Rakvere Exhibition Hall, Rakvere, Estonia
- 2009 COLLECTION: SELECTED WORKS I, Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2003 I AND THE OTHER, Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia
- 1996 PERSONAL TIME, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Art, Gallery „Zacheta“, Warsaw, Poland. Maneezh, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 1995 WAIT WE´RE LOADING, Group Exhibition of Estonian Artists, Göteborg Art Museum, Sweden
- 1995 SELF – PORTRAIT, Conceptual Exhibition of Johannes Saar, Moscow Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- 1995 EUROPE REDISCOVERED. PROJECT FOR EUROPE, PART 2, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Galerie Nikki Diana Marquardt, Paris, France
- 1994 EUROPE REDISCOVERED. PROJECT FOR EUROPE, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Turbine Hall, Kopenhagen, Denmark
- 1992 – 1993 BALTISKE BILLEDER, Group Exhibition of Baltic Artists, Herning Art Museum, Søllerød Museum, Denmark
- 1992 MY TIME IS A PILOT, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Den Fries Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1991-1992 ARS BALTICA, Exhibition of Baltic Artist, Kiel Art Hall, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
- 1990 DISTANCES, Rauma Biennial, Rauma Art Museum, Rauma, Finland
- 1989 – 1991 STRUCTURE/METAPHYSICS, Group Exhibition of Estonian Artists, Finland: Pori Art Museum, Helsinki Art Hall, Rovaniemi Art Museum; Germany: Kiel City Gallery, Nemo Gallery in Eckenförde; Sweden: Kulturhuset and Liljevalch Art Hall (both in Stockholm), Museum of Linköping, Sweden
- 1988 FOLLOWING THE IDEA OF VANGUARD, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
- 1987 OBJECT IN ART, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2001 Award of the Endowment of Visual and Applied Arts of the Estonian Cultural Endowment
- 1989 Painting of the Year award of the Estonian Artists` Association
- 1988 Diploma from the Triennial of Young Baltic Artist
- 1986 Artist of the Year award of the Estonian Artists` Association
Estonian Art Museum, Tallinn Art Hall, Tartu Art Museum, Bank of Estonia, Private collections in Belgium, USA, Germany, Great Britain
- 2017 RAUL RAJANGU, 30´, Directed by Eneken Laugen & Õnne Luha, Tallinna TV
- 2001 RAUL RAJANGU FENOMEN (The Phenomenon of Raul Rajangu), 36´, Directed by Liina Kulles
Porin taidekoulun vuosijulkaisu, 1988 Struktuur/Metafüüsika. Vaatenurk eesti nüüdiskunsti. Porin Taidemuseo, Satakunnan Kirjateollisuus Oy, Pori, 1989 Rauma Biennale Balticum 1990. Distances. Rauman Taidemuseo, 1990 Mu aeg on piloot. Udgivet I forbindelse med den Dansk-Baltiske Udstilling 12.-28. april 1991. Den Fries Udstillingsbygning, Oslo Baltiske Billeder. Herning Kunstmuseum, Søllerød Museum, Denmark, 1993 Europe Rediscovered. Project for Europe in collaboration with Copenhagen 96, Cultural capital of Europe presents, Copenhagen, 1994 Autoportree. Eesti Kunstnike Liit ja Moskva Kaasaegse Kunsti Instituut, Tallinn, 1995 Wait We`re Loading. Ung Konst Från Estland. Göteborgs Konstmuseum, 1995 (Rootsi) Personal Time. Art of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1945-1996. The Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw, 1996 (Poola) Ajakirjad Juske, A. Raul Rajangu maailm. “Vikerkaar” nr. 6, 1989 Komissarov, E. Raul Rajangu fenomen. “Kunst” nr. 2, 1990 Sarje, K. Viljandin sivullinen. “Siksi” nr. 2, 1990 Sarje, K. Struktuurista myöhaisstalinistisen idyllin erittelyyn. “Arkkitekti” nr. 7, 1989 Finnish architectural review Treier, H. Ühiskülastus playboy koju. “Vikerkaar” nr. 5/6, 1996 Kiwa, Kunst EE kevad 2002 Ajalehed Kivirinta, M.-T. Tallinnasta löytyy huipputaidetta, josta maailma ei tiedä. “Helsingin Sanomat” 20. 10. 1988 Remsu, O. Kunstipreemia laureaadist. “Sirp ja Vasar” 06. 01. 1989 Kaalep, T; Palo, A. Veel kord aasta pildist. “Sirp ja Vasar” 03. 02. 1989 Kivirinta, M.-T. Virolainen Raul Rajangu kuvaa 1950-luvun särkynyttä neuvostounelmaa. “Emme enää usko sellaiseen maailmakuvaan”. “Helsingin Sanomat” 01. 06. 1989 Heiskanen, S. Taitelija jättää jälkiä ja merkkejä. “Demari” 07. 06. 1989 Kivirinta, M.-T. Helsinkiläisgalleriat puuhaavat näyttelyita Viro-kuumeessa. Mukana on todellisia helmiä, mutta taso unohtuu helposti. “Helsingin Sanomat” 16. 06. 1989 Saar, J. Mängupoisi maja. “Postimees” 26. 04. 1996 Harry Liivrand. Jõhkra mängumaja peremees (intervjuu). “Eesti Ekspress” 26. 04. 1996 Tomberg, D. Rajangu väljumine klaasist majja. “Sõnumileht” 10. 05. 1996 Saar, J. Isiklik aeg Poolas. “Postimees” 09. 09. 1996 Alver, A.-M. Rajangu – totaalselt roiskveevaba. “Eesti Ekspress: XXI sajandi kodu” 16. 05. 1997. 2009 “1968 – 2008 Raul Rajangu. Luminoso”. Catalogue 2012 Hilkka Hiiop, the Doctoral thesis “Contemporary Art In The Museum: How to Preserve the Ephemeral?”. Estonian Art Museum, Tallinn. 2009 “1968 – 2008 Raul Rajangu. Luminoso”, Monograph, ed. Anneli Porri. Tallinn, Estonia. 2014 Hidden Treasure Art Magazine Yearbook 2014/2, ed. Georgia Szollosi. London, UK