september 2010
Luminoso`s new multimedia project involves the hypnotic 3D video art recorded in different churches in England in summer of 2010.
Luminoso is asking how the metanarrative of reason has been deconstructed by the discourse of freedom. Current multimedia project that is provoking with 3D video images and with its ambivalent title (referring to the (in)famous Russkyi razmer), studies the social and psychological influence of various ideological and religious monomanias. Luminoso is following the process how „freedom” as a banal master-signifier is emptying from all kinds of meanings and thus becoming the Ultimate Holy Postulate which marks also the process of disablement of „freedom”.
Objects integrated into the present art project – motorized wheelchairs and the glass coffin, 3D video – refer to the global monoculture as well as to the disabling and suicidal influence of any kind of two-dimensional reality. Talking heads in wheelchairs are originally referring to the disablement and helplessness of talking and listening in the cultural space dictated by total and multimodal hypermedia. Whereas the freedom of talking (and being obliged to talk!) has been globally applied, the freedom of listening has not been applied at all. Luminoso project examines the transformance of freedom in dualistic cosmology: namely the mutating of „freedom as metanoia” into „freedom as paranoia”.
Current art project offers the viewer/consumer (sic) the possibility to comprehend administrating and managing ideological and religious resources, simultaneously giving up any conspirology and scapegoating. Unfortunately, governing the world involves no global conspiracy/American dream/russkyi razmer. Instead, it is the zombified, pathological global monoculture that has become the closed cybernetic system that according to the logic of its curse destroys all conspiracies/dreams/razmers …
The unique 3D video has been produced by Kaspar and Kaur Kallas & Digital Sputnik.
Exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Sony Center, Planestar OÜ, Voltalumen, Orbital Vox Studios and Digital Sputnik.
Exhibitions in Hobusepea gallery are supported by Estonian Ministry of Culture.